Montreal is very old, and it is interesting to see the mix of old with new all together. Montrealers love lifestyle, fashion, and the good things in life like good cuisine, festivals, partying with friends, and showing guests a good time. However with the age of the city and the state of the economy, taxes are out of control, and the infrastructure is in dire need of massive improvement.
Calgary, like all the Western cities, is very new. There is no mixture of old and new because there is nothing old. Calgarians are the epitome of people that love money, affluence, status, and the good life that money can bring. This is definitely the entepreneur's paradise, with tax levels nothing compared to Quebec, but we also lose something in the lack of culture and activity that also helps to define what a community is. Maybe in a hundred years, Calgary will have some of the class that Montreal has. I wouldn't give up the opportunities and lifestyle afforded by living in Calgary, but I loved Montreal's charm and cosmopolitanism and is something I would really like to return to soon too. With the distinct culture that has developed in Montreal, with big Canadian city affability and European influences in style, art, an fashion, I would also safely say that Montreal has got to be the "gayest" city in North America as well!
Anyways, it's back to my normal practical life yet again. I start the new job tomorrow. I did nothing all weekend other than work, and today Joe is moving his stuff in. Cheryl is not planning on moving until tomorrow or Wednesday, so the place is looking a little chaotic right now. I'm going out biking tonight, and getting prepped for the big day tomorrow. I'll write on my thoughts about my entire situation later in the week when the ust settles....Ciao